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Topics - amyr

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OCD Surgeries / OCD Talus surgery- debridement and drilling
« on: August 17, 2011, 05:42:43 PM »
I was diagnosed with OCD talus in my left ankle.  I had surgery on July 20th which was arthoscopy with debridement and drilling.  I'm still NWB with crutches but wondering about others recovery process.  How long does it take to get back to walking?  How long do you stay in the boot once you start walking?  How long were you in physical theapy for?  How was the pain level?  When did you return to exercise?
I am also concerned about how long the fibrocartilage that grows will last?  Do most poeple end up needing surgery again within a few years? 
If there is anyone that was diangosed with OCD talus but can't trace it to any injury- did you end up having the same problem in the other ankle as well?  As I'm NWB on my left foot from surgery, I'm starting to get pain in my right ankle and am worried I have the same thing wrong in that one.
Thanks in advance for sharing your expereince with me!!

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