Author Topic: New OCD Diagnosis  (Read 1354 times)

Offline makina

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New OCD Diagnosis
« on: April 23, 2017, 10:05:36 PM »

I twisted my ankle walking off a curb six months ago.Xrays were n ormal at that time only diagnosed as a bad sprain. as time went along pain never left and kept getting worse. to walk and go up and down steps and then popping.

Went to a podiatrist...MRI shows lesion 6mm at posterior subtalor joint with large effusion. Doc said its not that large so treatment plan is NON weight bearing for a month using boot and knee walker. to heal swelling and effusion taking pressure off.

From there she said physical therapy. she said it should rresolve as defect is not large.

I am doing resarch i dont see this as tratment. Is this normal.

I wore a boot for a week and then when MRI revealed the defect she changed it to knee walker. I took the boot off and walked as boot was killing my hip. i will start knee walker tomorrow.


Offline jippy999

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Re: New OCD Diagnosis
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2017, 01:32:39 PM »
It's normal, as your ankle will heal when in off weight.  Try to keep the ankle in 90degree while in boot off weight.  (i.e. dont stretch with your toe straight out).

Other option is surgery, and off weight for same amount or longer.  It sucks, but that's normally what the options are.  If this doesn't work, then you'll have surgery.  The doctor will give you other options but since it's small, you should try non-surgery method first.

But be glad you got this early, i waited too late, after dozen ankle sprains from basketball, and needed graft to replace the cartilage lost.

Here's some things to help you during off weight phase.